Canada | Immigration | Canada added 259,000 new jobs in February, far beyond expectations: Employment Report

The employment rate in Canada was increased by 1.4 % with the addition of 2, 59,000 new jobs in the month of February. It is close to the population of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan or Windsor, Ontario. Various pandemic-related lockdowns and restrictions from December and January lifted across much of the country lead to the rise in employment.

In several provinces, public health restrictions implemented in late December were relaxed in early February. Many non-essential businesses, cultural and leisure facilities, and some in-person dining were able to reopen as a result of this. Capacity limitations and other public health standards, which differed by jurisdiction, remained in force.

Highlights of the job report in February

  • Employment rose by 259,000 (+1.4%) in February, after falling by 266,000 in the last two months
  • Part-time and full-time  jobs increased by 171,000; (+5.4%) and 88,000 (+0.6%) respectively last month.
  • 23.8 % of part-time employees wanted a full-time job. Last year this figure stood at 18.5%.
  • There is no change in the number of self-employed workers for the second month in a row.
  • The number of workers working at workplaces (other than home) increased by 6,00,000 since workplaces and schools reopened in many provinces.
  • Total hours worked rose by 1.4%, thanks to the gains in wholesale and retail trade.

Fall in unemployment rate

  • In February, the unemployment rate fell 1.2 percentage points to 8.2 per cent, the lowest level since March 2020.
  • The provinces of Quebec and Ontario saw a rise in employment. Employment in Quebec and Ontario increased by 1, 13,000 (2.7%) and 1, 00,000 (1.4%) respectively.
  • In addition, jobs increased in British Columbia, Alberta, and Manitoba, although it decreased in Newfoundland and Labrador.

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